air conditioning tips

Be Prepared with Your AC for More Hot Weather

The early fall is still a hot time of the year in Southern California, and although we’ll have short cool spells, we will also experience periods of extreme heat. This is why you have to be vigilant about your air conditioning system at this time of year. With all the work the AC has already

Summer’s Almost Over… But the Heat Isn’t! Here’s Some Late Season AC Tips

August is almost out the door, and we’re heading into September. But even though the summer season is in the rearview mirror, that doesn’t mean that your air conditioning system is going to receive much of a break. The hot weather is going to continue through much of the fall, and you risk an overstrained

5 Things We Wish Everyone Knew About Air Conditioning

Living in Southern California makes air conditioners a part of daily life during the summers—as well as other parts of the year. But how much do you really know about the AC system that keeps your home cool? Below are five facts about air conditioning systems that we wish everybody knew, since they make it

Another Late Summer AC Tip: Clean the Outdoor Cabinet

Earlier this month, we did a full post of tips to help you with your air conditioning system during the end of summer. The end of August is a time when the blistering heat can, at last, overwhelm a cooling system that’s already labored for a few months in the California deserts. You can always rely