Air Conditioning

The Relation Between Air Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of stepping into a properly air conditioned room and cooling down after a long day. The Irvine summers can certainly get hot, and as much as we enjoy the sunshine, we also recognize the importance of an excellent air conditioning system, such as central air or a ductless mini

Why You Shouldn’t Try to Repair Your Air Conditioning System on Your Own

If you like to take care of various repairs and home improvements around your home as DIY projects, you should certainly be commended. However, you need to know that there are some jobs that you should never undertake on your own. One of these is repairing your central air conditioning system. But what’s wrong with

The Biggest Air Conditioning Misconception: ACs “Don’t Need Maintenance”

A large number of misconceptions and myths swirl around residential air conditioning systems. (For example, “Air conditioners use up refrigerant as they work.” Not at all true: air conditioners circulate refrigerant, which does not dissipate during the process.) We are going to deal with one of the most unfortunate of these AC misconceptions, which leads

How Duct Sealing Can Improve Your Air Conditioning

Your ductwork is one of the unsung heroes of your home, allowing your central forced-air heating and cooling systems to keep your home comfortable year-round while simultaneously staying out of sight. While it’s a great thing that your ducts are so unobtrusive while playing so vital role, it also makes it hard for them to

Keep AC Costs Down During a Heat Wave

Summer is here, and your air conditioner is most likely running full-time for the season. Believe it or not, there are ways to keep your air conditioning costs down, even when we experience a long stretch of very warm weather. Helping to cut costs doesn’t just help your wallet; it also helps your air conditioning

How Do Zone Control Systems Work?

Have you ever noticed how pets always know the good spots in the house, depending on the time of day? We have all encountered hot and cold spots throughout our homes, but what if you could eliminate these uneven spots of cooling, and be able to achieve the comfort you want throughout your home? This

3 Air Conditioning Issues That You Need to Watch Out For

Summer is fast approaching, and people are scrambling to get their air conditioning systems ready for the hot season. If you haven’t already gotten your annual air conditioner checkup yet, it would probably be a good idea to schedule it in the next month or so. Even with proper maintenance, though, there’s always a chance

Is It too Late in Summer to Bother with Minor Air Conditioning Repairs?

Southern California enjoys warm temperatures for much of the year, but the brunt of the hot weather falls during the summer—and it can get extremely hot during that time, making it imperative to schedule any repairs your home’s AC may need as soon as possible. But what about at the close of the summer? If

What You Should Know About Refrigerant Types

One of the well-documented problems with air conditioning systems is their effect on the atmosphere, and specifically on the ozone layer. In response to this problem, not only have new refrigerant types been developed, but laws have been put in place that phase out the main culprit of these problems: R-22 refrigerant, also known as

Russell’s Heating & Air Conditioning working at Salvation Army!

We recently completed a service on the Salvation Army’s San Bernardino Men’s residence building for the HVAC systems. Our techs went out and performed full preventative maintenance tune ups on multiple rooftop systems, including Fujitsu split systems. We are proud to provide service work within the local community. Take a look at the pics below